I had my session with Greg today and boy did I need it. I felt like the world was all coming down on me. My ex-wife served me with court papers taking me back to court for more money. My trading which was going so splendidly the first month, took a major turn for the worse. There are major issues with my job and also my wifes job, with lay-offs pending. It all seem to come down on me at once and I fell into a major depression and as Greg put it, "I just shut down".

Well, Greg put things in a whole new perspective. He discussed the importance of challenges in life and in the journey to becoming a success. He told me that "challenges are the catalysts of greatness" he said I should embrace and welcome the challenges as they will just make be better and stronger in the end. He said that we cannot grow without facing problems. It is in our moments of challenge when we find out who we and what we are really made of.
I had originally though that I would not include this in my blog. But, then I realized this blog is about the entire journey. The good and the bad. The triumphs and the pitfalls. My goal is to help others and others will surely encounter the same thing. I want everyone to see that they challanges are normal and they will help you in the long run and give you tools to deal with them. So, I will always include my challenges and outcomes along the way.
Challenges are what make an "average" person become an "outstanding" person.

He also talked about what he called the Strong and Shadow Archetypes. These are personality traits that we have or project in various aspects of our loves. People either project Strong Archetypes or Shadow Archetypes, of which there are four. We can however show a strong archetype the majority of the time, but can also fall into the shadow archetypes during challenging or other times.
We then once again discussed the importance of my morning ritual. He wants me to focus on physical activity too. This is one of my major goals for 2014, but he said it is also important to be fit and full of energy which will help me on my journey.
When we were done with our session I felt so much better. I realized that these were the first of many challenges and struggles that I have ahead of me. Greg told me to learn to laugh at the challenges and the people placing them before me. He said they are actually doing me a favor by making me a better and more successful person in the long run. So, I now welcome the challenges as I know I will prevail and I will be a better person on the other side of the challenges as I grow from them.
We discussed goals in general. Greg asked me to write down my goals for 2014.
- What do I want to be
- What do I want to do
- What do I want to have
He also told me to start working on a "Vision Board". Find pictures of what I want to be,do and have in the future. I actually have a good start on this already. I am supposed to send this information to him in a day or two and we will have another session this coming week.
"Heres to your success"
Bill McManus
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Bill McManus