Wednesday, December 18, 2013

2013/12/12: Live session with Greg Secker

    Today I met Greg face to face.  I arrived at his home about 10:30 this morning.  Wow, what an incredible home!    Bridgette welcomed me at the door, was nice to meet her.  She took me into Greg's study where he was working. He welcomed me with a handshake and a bi smile.  He asked about my flight in and we made some small talk.  He asked if I wanted a tour of the house before we got started.  I said sure as I was anxious to see the rest of his incredible home.  He showed me around just the first floor of his house and I was just blown away. After the quick tour, we headed right into a nearby sitting room to get started.
     We started out by reviewing our earlier sessions, the What and the Why, etc.  We discussed in more detail and Greg pointed out some interesting things.  He said: "We don't get what we deserve or want, we get what we tolerate".  He said if you want to change, you have to get totally fed up with your current situation and do not tolerate anything less than success.  He said all change happens at a place called threshold.  Then he drew a picture of Heaven and Hell with purgatory in between.  Heaven being your perfect life and Hell being the least life you can tolerate.  He said most people live in the area called Purgatory and when things get bad and we near Hell, they then get fed up and shoot closer to heaven.  At each level between Hell and Heaver there are levels of tolerance.  He said we have to continue to work to move our tolerance level up.  So, in other words, you have to tolerate less and less bad.
     We then got into an exercise on monet beliefs.  He asked me to tell him all the things I was told about money as I grew up.  I told him:

  1.      I was often told "we can't afford it"
  2.      There seemed to be never enough money
  3.      Be careful with your money
  4.      Save for a rainy Day
  5.      Be frugal

      He then went on to say that "we don't do as we think, we do as we feel".  He said that we needed to reprogram my mind with regards to money.  So, we took my negative money programming and turned it into positive programing.  He wrote these new statements on index cards and I am to read them every day.  He said eventually it will sink into your unconscious mind, which is associated with feelings.  So, we created the following cards:

  1. I can afford ANYTHING I desire
  2. Let it rain every day.  There's always more tan enough money
  3. Do whatever you want with your money.  Be extravagant! Be outrageous!
  4. There's an infinite amount of money that grows daily
     Greg then added the following cards:
  1. You don't get what you deserve and are worth, only what you TOLERATE!
  2. Everybody dies, but not everybody lives!
     I am supposed to read these cards every morning.  Over time, they will seek into my subconscious and start to change my feelings about money into more positive feelings.

     We then broke for lunch about noon.  We had a nice lunch prepared by his housekeeper Rosario,  a wonderful lady and great cook!  We enjoyed a nice bottle of wine with lunch.
     After lunch Greg took me through his "Confidence Exercise".  He promised it would be very interesting and it was.  The premise of the exercise is to teach you how to draw instant confidence right out of thin air right when you need it.  And believe me it works!  It is hard to describe in words, but I created a You Tube video.  I encourage you to watch this video and go through the exercise yourself.  It is VERY beneficial!  The Confidence Session video can be found at: Greg Secker's Confidence Session (Video)

     Greg then said I need to define some "Board Members" for my business.  These will be the people I go to when seeking advice or council when things go wrong.  He said these cannot be negative people, or those who will bring you down or not support the project.  We listed various people and weeded it down.  I am focusing on other traders, entrepreneurs and positive successful people for my board.

     Finally Greg gave me a daily routine to follow, which is as follows:
  1. Get the body moving with some light exercise or a walk.
  2. Deep breathing: Breath in through the nose for a count of 4, then out through the mouth for a count of 4.
  3. Confidence exercise ("Launch!" 25 times).  I plan on playing Hanz Zimmer's "Now We are Free" while I do this so I can recreate this powerful session as close as possible.  (Again, please watch the Confidence Session Video referenced above) 
  4. Focus on gratitude:  "When you are grateful, you are rich"  This is the state you must be in.Who do you love?  What are you grateful for?  Who are you?  Where are you going?
     After our long, but very successful, session we just chatted over a couple of cold beers.  It was an awesome day!

Here's to your success!

Bill McManus